Saturday, April 11, 2009

Animal of the month

I saw a squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) behind the garage!

I'm gonna be the next David Attenborough :)

Nardi Day!

Yay and sorry Widric, I just couldn't halp my self ^_^

I was inspired by C-Rocks working on his Ghost Eleven, so I decided to make this the "NARDI DAY!". Meaning, I changed the steering wheel to the EK. I used the non-SRS-version's steering hub, so there is no horn. Reason is simple. The horn grounding goes through the SRS unit that had to be removed, so there is not connecting surface anymore. Who uses horn anyway...! ;D

As I was working on the project I removed the panel below the steering wheel and all kinds of electrical thingies was exposed to my eyes. One thing, besides the huge mess, caught my eye. Relay saying DAYLIGHT.

Hmmm... that is the annoying relay in Finnish country package that makes the lights stay on even though the light switch is turned off... This is the part where I must apology Widric, I didn't call him to get authorization for the removal, I was kinda carried away with my agony against Finnish regulations which I mostly do not like :D

Here you can see the relay and the white connectors behind the light switch. The onw with black wires is replacing the connector with red/white/blue wires. Easy plug and play operation.

Up there is single ground cable which is part of the daylight unit. Take it away! Bloody hell! It didn't even have proper Honda bolt!!! :D

This was a bit more trickier operation. The green connector has one black wire that does not belong there. It's part of that daylight stuff and should be removed with it. So I removed it.

Right next to the green connector is hanging small grey connector. It is also part of the daylight thing. Without schematics, I wasn't able to tell what is that wire, but it is extra when the daylight unit is disabled. So I secured it to the harness.

So now, the lights works like they are supposed to. They are on when the switch is on, and off when the switch is off. Simple!

And about the steering wheel. mmm... The Nardi is fabulous! The installation was really straight forward stuff. Nothing special here. I removed enough stuff so I was able to bolt on the new hub.
